bluetooth driver?

e cài đặt bluetooth driver trên win 7 nhưng nó cứ hiện thế này:
No unconfigured bluetooth devices found.You should uninstall your existing bluetooth driver (stack) and reboot your computer.
It is recommended to unplug (or switch off) your bluetooth adapter during uninstall process.

If you still get this error, click "Report hardware configuration" bellow and e-mail results to us. This will help us to fix the problem.

You may also click "Check for updates" link to see if there is an updated version of Bluetooth Driver Installer available.

giúp e với, cảm on ạ :botay:


Nó báo là không tìm thấy thiết bị bluetooth nào trên máy tính nhé
p/s: bạn dùng máy pc à?
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