[MF]video học AutoCAD2011 Essential training


Lynda: thegioiforum.com - AutoCAD 2011 Essential training [HF]
Video Training | HF | 561Mb
Join Jeff Bartels as he covers the most important features of this industry-standard drafting and design application in thegioiforum.com - AutoCAD 2011 Essential Training. This course begins with a tour of AutoCAD's interface and the tools used to create basic shapes. It then focuses on the methods used to modify and refine geometry while emphasizing accuracy and good habits to build a solid design foundation. The course covers using layers, line types, and colors to organize a drawing file and explains how to efficiently annotate a design and prepare it for final output. Throughout the title, Jeff shares industry techniques used in production and reinforces concepts using practical examples. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include:
Understanding model space
Working in a multiple-document environment
Organizing drawings using layers
Creating basic geometry
Configuring units for architectural, civil, or metric work
Incorporating blocks (symbols) into a working file
Maintaining accuracy with coordinates and snaps
Creating annotations that automatically size themselves
Moving and copying elements
Transferring data between drawings
Preparing standardized layouts with title blocks
Sharing drawings


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